The Bases are Loaded and I Wish I Was Too: The High Flying Birds, Bye Bye College Football, Hello Deflategate, and the Ghost of Skip Caray

Loyal readers of this space know that I’m passionate about books and history. I also love sports and we’ve reached that point in the calendar where another season of college football has gone to earth, with their professional brethren soon to follow. Baseball doesn’t start for two months—the regular season at least—but pitchers and catchersContinue Reading »

Autumn Reading

“Aprils have never meant much to me,” says Truman Capote in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and I agree with him. I was made for autumn. Give me, as Ray Bradbury wrote, “That country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noonsContinue Reading »

Mr. Smith Goes to War: The Curious Case of the Fighting 50 Year Old

Movie Review: Fury (2014) Starring Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Pena, and Jon Bernthal. Written and directed by David Ayer. “War is cruelty and you cannot refine it.”—William Tecumseh Sherman The World War II movie has been around as long as the war itself. Hollywood began churning out anti-Nazi flicks even before combatContinue Reading »