One Giant Leap
Douglas Brinkley, American Moonshot: John F. Kennedy and the Great Space Race (Harper Collins, 2019, 548 pp.) Since humans first crawled out of the primordial soup millions of years ago, they have gazed up at the moon in the night sky and dreamed of what it was like. Only 24 people–all men–have ever been there. …Continue Reading »
S3E1: One of the Last Living WWII Combat Veterans Remembers: The Invasion of Guam, 75 Years Later
This week’s special guest is 95-year-old Fred Mingledorff, one of the last living combat veterans of World War II. Mr. Mingledorff was there 75 years ago, on June 21, 1944, for the invasion of Guam during World War II, a turning point in the war against the Japanese. He talks with Stan about what he …Continue Reading »
The Greatest Novel Ever Written?
Marcel Proust, Swann’s Way: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 1. The C. Scott Moncrieff Translation, Edited and Annotated by William C. Carter (1913; rpt. Yale University Press, 2013, 487 pp.) “What are you reading these days, Stan?” “Proust.” Let’s face it, one of the best reasons for reading an author like Marcel Proust is …Continue Reading »