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Where Wood Meets Cowhide
It’s Opening Day of the 2021 Major League Baseball season, and the first pitch is at 3:00 this afternoon, so this blog will be short, though the season won’t be, thank goodness. You will remember that this time last year, we didn’t get to celebrate the return of baseball because the pandemic shut down the …Continue Reading »
Two Giants of History Remembered: Phinizy Spalding & Carl Vipperman
Podcast S4E6: The Stamp Act, Houdini, & Spike Lee
Stan talks about This Week in History (the Stamp Act, James Jackson, Spike Lee, the first Black graduate of West Point, the Masters, Tomochichi, & Houdini), says goodbye to a pathbreaking historian and actor, spotlights new additions to the Off the Deaton Path bookshelf, and welcomes the opening of Major League Baseball.